Anubias Barteri 101 – A Comprehensive Planting & Care Guide participates in affiliate marketing programs. We may earn commissions on purchases made through our affiliate links. This doesn't affect our content or recommendations and we only recommend products we would put in our own tanks.

Anubias barteri, a stunning aquatic plant species, is not just a botanical marvel but also a fantastic addition to any aquarium. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into every aspect of Anubias barteri, from its origins and various varieties to detailed planting and maintenance instructions.

Whether you’re a beginner seeking a low-maintenance aquatic plant or an experienced hobbyist aiming to perfect your underwater garden, join us on this journey to unlock the secrets of Anubias barteri and watch your aquatic ecosystem thrive like never before.

Overview of Anubias Barteri

Anubias barteri is a popular aquatic plant species that belongs to the family Araceae. It is native to the tropical regions of West Africa, particularly Nigeria and Cameroon. This plant is widely used in the aquarium hobby due to its hardiness, attractive appearance, and ease of care.

Certainly, you can add more details to the table to provide a more comprehensive overview of Anubias barteri. Here’s an expanded version of the table with additional information:

Scientific NameAnubias barteri
Common NamesBarter’s Anubias, African Water Fern
OriginWest Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria, and more)
HabitatShaded areas of rivers and streams
Growth RateSlow
Difficulty LevelEasy to Moderate
Light RequirementsLow to Moderate
Temperature Range72-82°F (22-28°C)
pH Range6.0-7.5
Water HardnessSoft to Moderately Hard
Maximum SizeUp to 12 inches (30 cm)
Plant TypeRhizomatous aquatic plant
Leaf TypeBroad, lance-shaped
Leaf ColorDark green
Leaf TextureLeathery
PlacementForeground or Midground
SubstrateCan be attached to driftwood or rocks
CO2 RequirementNot required, but can benefit from CO2
PropagationRhizome division, cuttings
Growth HabitEpiphytic (grows on other surfaces)
Tank SizeSuitable for small to large aquariums
TankmatesPeaceful and compatible with most fish
Algae SusceptibilityLow
Special Considerations– Don’t bury the rhizome in substrate
– Avoid high-intensity lighting to prevent algae growth on its leaves.
Common UsesAquascaping, natural aquarium setups, terrarium decoration, and planted aquariums

Description and Appearance

Anubias barteri is a perennial plant with thick, dark green leaves that grow from a rhizome. The leaves are leathery and have a glossy texture, making them resistant to damage from herbivorous fish and snails. The leaves are typically heart-shaped or lanceolate, and they can grow to varying lengths, depending on the specific variety.

One of the notable features of Anubias barteri is its ability to thrive in both submerged and emersed conditions. In the wild, it grows along the banks of rivers and streams, often partially or fully submerged. In aquariums, it can be placed entirely underwater or partially above the waterline.

The roots of Anubias barteri attach firmly to rocks, driftwood, or other surfaces, providing stability to the plant. It can also develop flowers, which are typically small and white in color. However, flowering is relatively rare in aquarium conditions.


Anubias barteri is native to the tropical regions of West Africa, specifically Nigeria and Cameroon. It grows in shaded areas along the banks of rivers and streams in these countries. The plant has adapted to survive in both fully submerged and emersed conditions, taking advantage of the nutrient-rich substrate and steady water flow in its natural habitat.

From there, Anubias barteri has become popular in the aquarium hobby worldwide due to its hardiness and attractive appearance. It is now cultivated and distributed globally for use in aquatic setups.

Different Types of Anubias barteri

There are several recognized varieties and cultivars of Anubias barteri. Here are some common types:

  • Anubias barteri var. barteri: This is the standard variety of Anubias barteri and is often referred to as simply Anubias barteri. It has heart-shaped leaves that can grow to varying sizes, depending on the specific variety or cultivar.

  • Anubias barteri var. nana: Also known as Anubias nana, this is a smaller variety of Anubias barteri. It has shorter and narrower leaves compared to other varieties. Anubias nana is highly popular in aquascaping due to its compact size and ability to create dense, low-growing foregrounds in aquariums.

  • Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia: This variety has elongated, lanceolate leaves that resemble those of the Caladium plant. The leaves of Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia are larger and more pointed than the typical heart-shaped leaves of other varieties. It is a visually striking type of Anubias barteri that can add a unique touch to aquascapes.

  • Anubias barteri var. coffeefolia: This variety is characterized by its textured leaves, which have a crinkled appearance reminiscent of coffee beans. The leaves are often a darker shade of green compared to other varieties, which adds to its aesthetic appeal.

  • Anubias barteri var. ‘Petite’: This is a miniature variety of Anubias barteri, known for its tiny leaves and compact growth habit. It is well-suited for small aquariums or for creating intricate details in aquascapes.

Benefits of Keeping Anubias Barteri in Aquariums

Keeping Anubias barteri in aquariums offers several benefits to both the aquarist and the aquarium ecosystem.

First and foremost, Anubias barteri is known for its hardiness and ease of care, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. Its slow growth rate means it won’t require frequent pruning or maintenance, allowing for a low-maintenance tank.

Moreover, Anubias barteri adds aesthetic value to the aquarium with its striking dark green, leathery leaves. It can be used to create visually appealing aquascapes and adds a natural, lush appearance to the tank.

This plant also contributes to the overall health of the aquarium environment. Its broad leaves provide shade and shelter for fish and other aquatic creatures, reducing stress and promoting natural behavior. Additionally, Anubias barteri helps improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and producing oxygen through photosynthesis.

Furthermore, Anubias barteri is compatible with a wide range of tankmates, as it is non-aggressive and won’t outcompete other plants for resources. This versatility allows it to thrive in various community tank setups.

Lastly, Anubias barteri can serve as a spawning site for certain fish species that deposit their eggs on flat surfaces, such as its leaves or rhizome, providing a safe haven for breeding.

Ideal Tank Setup and Conditions for Anubias Barteri

Anubias Barteri is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby due to its hardiness and low-maintenance nature. Here are the ideal tank conditions and setup for Anubias Barteri:

  • Tank Size: Anubias Barteri tends to grow slowly and doesn’t have extensive space requirements. However, a larger tank provides more stability in water parameters and allows the plant to grow to its full potential. A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended, but larger is better, especially if you plan to keep fish or other aquatic creatures alongside the plant.

  • Substrate: Anubias Barteri is versatile; it does not absorb nutrients through its roots like many other aquarium plants. Instead, it primarily absorbs nutrients through its leaves. It can be attached to hardscape materials like rocks or driftwood, or it can be planted in a loose, nutrient-rich substrate. If planting in substrate, ensure that the rhizome is above the substrate to avoid rot.

  • Lighting: Anubias Barteri can survive in a range of lighting conditions, from low to high. However, low to medium light is usually preferred as high light can lead to algae growth on the leaves. Aim for around 0.25 to 0.5 watts per liter of full-spectrum light. If algae growth is observed, consider reducing the light intensity or the duration of lighting per day.

  • Temperature: This plant is tropical and prefers warmer temperatures. Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 82°F.

  • pH Level: Anubias Barteri can tolerate a range of pH levels, but mildly acidic to neutral water is optimal for growth. Keep the pH level between 6.0 and 7.5.

  • Water Hardness: Anubias Barteri is adaptable to different water hardness levels. Aim for a water hardness level between 3 and 8 dGH.

  • Water Flow: This plant is not particular about water flow and can adapt to various flow levels. Slow to moderate water flow is generally preferable, but it can also thrive in areas of higher flow.

  • CO2 and Fertilization: While not strictly necessary, CO2 and fertilization can promote healthier and more robust growth. If opting to use CO2, maintain a concentration of around 20-30 ppm. For fertilization, use a comprehensive liquid fertilizer as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Nutrients: Additional nutrients can support the plant’s growth and overall health. Use a liquid fertilizer that includes a broad range of essential nutrients, including micro and macro elements. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dosing.

How to Plant Anubias Barteri

Planting Anubias Barteri is straightforward due to its versatility and hardiness. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to plant Anubias Barteri in your aquarium:

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Location

  • Aquarium Layout: Depending on your aquarium size and layout, decide where the Anubias Barteri would look best and receive adequate light. Consider the growth pattern and eventual size of the plant.
  • Lighting: Anubias Barteri prefers low to medium light, and excessive light can lead to algae growth on the leaves. Choose a location that receives appropriate light and is not directly under a strong light source unless it’s diffused or the light is raised.

Step 2: Prepare the Plant

  • Healthy Specimen: Start with a healthy plant, with vibrant green leaves and a firm rhizome. Avoid plants with yellowing leaves or a mushy rhizome.
  • Cleaning: Rinse the plant thoroughly under lukewarm running water to remove any potential pests, algae, or residual chemicals.

Step 3: Attach to Hardscape (Optional)

  • Choosing Hardscape: When attaching Anubias Barteri to hardscape, consider the aesthetics and how the plant will grow over time. Driftwood and rocks with texture or crevices are ideal as they offer the plant more grip.
  • Securing the Plant: Secure the plant tightly but gently, ensuring not to damage the rhizome. The plant will eventually send out roots that will grip onto the hardscape, making the thread or glue unnecessary after some time.

Step 4: Plant in Substrate (Optional)

  • Substrate Selection: If you choose to plant in the substrate, a nutrient-rich substrate can be beneficial, but it’s not mandatory as Anubias mainly absorbs nutrients through its leaves.
  • Rhizome Exposure: It’s crucial to keep the rhizome above the substrate to prevent rotting. Only the roots should be buried in the substrate.

Step 5: Final Adjustments

  • Positioning: The final positioning is crucial for both aesthetic and health reasons. Ensure that the plant is secure and that the leaves are well-spaced to receive light and flow.
  • Flow Adjustment: If possible, adjust the water flow around the plant to ensure it receives adequate flow, which is beneficial for nutrient absorption and preventing debris accumulation on the leaves.

Step 6: Maintenance

  • Regular Monitoring: Observe the plant regularly for any signs of stress, disease, or pests. Early detection and intervention are key to addressing any issues.
  • Algae Management: Regular cleaning of the leaves and managing light and nutrient levels in the tank will help prevent algae growth on the plant.

How to Propagate Anubias Barteri

Propagating Anubias Barteri is relatively straightforward and can be done through a process called rhizome division. The rhizome is the horizontal stem from which the leaves and roots grow. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to propagate Anubias Barteri:

  • Step 1 – Choose a Healthy Parent Plant: Select a healthy and well-established Anubias Barteri plant with a long and healthy rhizome.

  • Step 2 – Remove the Parent Plant: Carefully remove the parent plant from the substrate or the surface to which it’s attached. Rinse the roots gently to remove any substrate attached to them.

  • Step 3 – Identify the Rhizome: Locate the rhizome, which is the thick, horizontal stem from which the leaves and roots grow. Ensure that the rhizome is healthy and free of any rot or damage.

  • Step 4 – Cut the Rhizome: Using a sharp and sterilized pair of scissors or a knife, cut the rhizome into sections. Each section should have at least 2-3 leaves and a healthy set of roots. Make clean cuts and avoid crushing or damaging the rhizome.

  • Step 5 – Plant or Attach the Sections: You can either plant the new sections in the substrate or attach them to hardscape materials like rocks or driftwood. If planting in the substrate, ensure that the rhizome is above the substrate to avoid rot. If attaching to hardscape, use fishing line, cotton thread, or super glue gel to secure the sections.

  • Step 6 – Monitor the New Plants: Place the newly propagated plants in suitable locations within the aquarium, considering light and water flow. Monitor the plants regularly for any signs of stress or disease and address any issues promptly.

  • Step 7 – Provide Optimal Conditions: Maintain optimal water conditions, including temperature, pH, and water hardness, to support the growth of the new plants. Provide adequate lighting and consider using a liquid fertilizer to supply necessary nutrients.

Anubias Barteri Care Guide

Taking a comprehensive approach to the care of Anubias Barteri, including diligent attention to its environment, tank mates, and individual needs, will contribute to the successful cultivation of this resilient and attractive aquatic plant. Balancing all these factors will help in maintaining a thriving and harmonious aquarium ecosystem.

Algae Management: Periodically check the leaves and remove any visible algae manually to avoid extensive growth. Regulate the light duration and intensity to minimize algae buildup on the leaves, ideally providing light for about 6-8 hours a day.

Disease Prevention: Always quarantine new plants, fish, or invertebrates before adding them to the main tank to prevent the introduction of diseases or pests. Use dechlorinated or RO/DI water for water changes to avoid introducing harmful chemicals or contaminants.

Fertilization: Provide a balanced fertilizer that includes both macro and micro nutrients to meet the plant’s nutritional needs. Follow the recommended dosing schedule provided on the fertilizer label, adjusting as needed based on plant response.

Monitoring: Frequently observe the plant’s overall health, growth rate, leaf color, and root development. Based on observations, adjust light, nutrients, and water conditions as needed to maintain optimal health.

Water Changes: Perform regular water changes to maintain water quality, removing excess nutrients and waste. Test the water parameters regularly to ensure they remain within the suitable range for Anubias Barteri.

Pruning and Trimming: Regularly trim older or damaged leaves to promote the growth of new leaves. Trim the plant to maintain the desired shape and size, especially in smaller aquariums where space is limited.

Avoiding Physical Damage: Handle the plant gently during planting, pruning, or any repositioning to avoid damaging the leaves or rhizome. Be cautious with the placement of tank decorations and rocks to prevent them from falling on and damaging the plant.

Pest Management: Regularly inspect Anubias Barteri for signs of pests like snails, which can damage the plant. If pests are detected, address them promptly using appropriate treatments or manual removal.

Aquarium Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain the aquarium filter to ensure effective filtration and water flow. Regularly remove any debris or detritus accumulating around the plant to prevent decay and nutrient imbalance.

Environmental Stress Management: Avoid sudden changes in water parameters, temperature, and lighting conditions to prevent stress. Properly acclimate the plant when introducing it to a new environment to minimize shock.

Compatible Tank Mates and Plants

Anubias Barteri is quite a versatile and hardy plant, making it compatible with a wide range of tank mates and companion plants. Here are some compatible tank mates and plants for Anubias Barteri:


  • Small to Medium-sized Community Fish: Such as Tetras, Rasboras, Guppies, and Mollies.
  • Bottom Dwellers: Such as Corydoras Catfish and Loaches.
  • Peaceful Cichlids: Such as Discus and Angelfish, which won’t nibble on the plant.
  • Algae Eaters: Such as Otocinclus Catfish and Siamese Algae Eaters.


  • Shrimp: Such as Cherry Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, and Bamboo Shrimp. They can help control algae on the plant leaves.
  • Snails: Such as Nerite Snails and Mystery Snails, which can also assist in algae control.

Low Light Plants:

  • Java Fern: Similar to Anubias, it can be attached to hardscape and prefers low to medium light.
  • Cryptocoryne Species: They can be planted in the substrate and are adaptable to various lighting conditions.
  • Mosses: Such as Java Moss and Christmas Moss, which are excellent for creating lush, green carpets or attaching to hardscape.

Medium Light Plants:

  • Amazon Sword: A robust and attractive background plant that pairs well with Anubias in medium light settings.
  • Vallisneria: They can create dense background foliage and are adaptable to different light levels.

Floating Plants:

  • Duckweed: Provides a natural look and can help in reducing light intensity, which is beneficial for Anubias.
  • Frogbit: Another floating plant that can add to the tank’s aesthetics and provide shade.


We’ve explored the captivating world of Anubias barteri, a versatile and resilient aquatic plant that can elevate the aesthetics and health of your aquarium. With its rich history, diverse varieties, and straightforward care requirements, Anubias barteri has earned its place as a cherished choice among aquarists. By following the planting and maintenance tips provided in this guide, you can ensure the success of your Anubias barteri and create a flourishing underwater haven for your aquatic companions.

Remember, the key to a thriving aquarium is not just in the beauty of the plants but in the care and attention you provide. Regular pruning, proper lighting, and water quality maintenance are essential aspects of keeping your Anubias barteri healthy and vibrant.

We hope this comprehensive guide has empowered you with the knowledge and confidence to cultivate Anubias barteri successfully in your aquarium. As you continue your aquatic journey, may your underwater landscape flourish, and may you find joy in the natural beauty of this remarkable aquatic plant. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of Anubias barteri, and may your aquarium continue to be a source of wonder and tranquility.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I water my Anubias Barteri?

Anubias Barteri is an aquatic plant that doesn’t require regular watering like terrestrial plants. Instead, it absorbs nutrients through its leaves and roots from the water column. Maintain a stable water level in your aquarium, and the plant will extract the necessary nutrients from the water.

2. Does Anubias Barteri require high-intensity lighting?

Anubias Barteri is known to thrive in low to moderate lighting conditions. It can tolerate lower light levels and is often suitable for aquarium setups without intense lighting. However, providing moderate lighting can promote healthier growth and better leaf development.

3. Should I supplement CO2 for Anubias Barteri?

Anubias Barteri can grow well without additional CO2 supplementation. It adapts to lower CO2 levels and can thrive in aquariums without CO2 injection. However, if you have a high-tech planted tank with demanding plants, you may choose to supplement CO2 to support overall plant growth and health

4. How do I prevent algae growth on Anubias Barteri leaves?

Anubias Barteri is generally resistant to algae growth due to its thick, leathery leaves. However, to minimize algae, maintain good water quality, moderate lighting, and avoid excessive nutrient levels. Regularly remove any algae that may accumulate on the leaves using a soft brush or cloth.

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Written By Carolyn Renner

Carolyn Renner is a planted aquarium enthusiast with personal experience in maintaining a variety of tanks. She has experimented with different plants, substrates, lighting, and fertilizers and knows how to troubleshoot common issues.


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