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If you’re an aquarium enthusiast looking to add a touch of natural beauty to your aquatic haven, Anubias barteri is a fantastic choice. This versatile plant, with its lush green leaves and sturdy structure, can bring life and vibrancy to any aquarium setup.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to successfully care for Anubias barteri in your aquatic paradise.

The purpose of this guide is to equip you with the knowledge and tips necessary to cultivate and maintain healthy and thriving Anubias barteri plants in your aquarium. From planting and propagation to proper maintenance and troubleshooting, we will cover every aspect of Anubias barteri care.

By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you will be able to create an ideal environment for your Anubias barteri, ensuring its longevity and enhancing the overall beauty of your aquarium.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the purpose of this guide, let’s dive into the fascinating world of Anubias barteri and explore the best practices for its care and cultivation.

Tips for Planting Anubias Barteri 

Properly planting Anubias barteri is crucial for its growth and overall health in your aquarium. Here are some essential tips to ensure successful planting:

  • Choose a suitable substrate: Anubias barteri can be planted in a variety of substrates, such as gravel, sand, or aquarium soil. However, it’s important to select a substrate that is rich in nutrients and provides a stable base for the plant’s roots to anchor. A nutrient-rich substrate can promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

  • Anchor the rhizome, not the roots: Anubias barteri has a thick, horizontal rhizome from which the leaves and roots grow. When planting, avoid burying the rhizome deep in the substrate. Instead, gently anchor it into the substrate, allowing the roots to spread and secure themselves naturally. Burying the rhizome too deep can lead to rotting and hinder the plant’s growth.

  • Avoid burying the crown: The crown of the plant is the area where the rhizome meets the roots. It’s essential to keep the crown above the substrate to prevent rotting and promote healthy growth. Ensure that the rhizome is visible and not covered by substrate or decorations.

  • Provide adequate spacing: Anubias barteri grows slowly and needs sufficient space to flourish. When planting multiple Anubias barteri plants, ensure there is enough distance between them to allow each plant to receive adequate light and nutrients. Crowding can lead to competition for resources and hinder growth.

  • Consider attaching to driftwood or rocks: An alternative planting method involves attaching Anubias barteri to driftwood or rocks using fishing line or plant-safe glue. This method allows the plant to grow epiphytically, mimicking its natural habitat. It creates an appealing visual effect and provides an ideal environment for the plant’s rhizome and roots.

Remember, Anubias barteri is a hardy plant that can tolerate a range of conditions, but proper planting techniques will greatly contribute to its success in your aquarium. Take care to follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to a beautifully planted Anubias barteri specimen. For a detailed guide, read our comprehensive how to plant Anubias Barteri guide.

Maintenance and Care for Anubias Barteri

Maintaining a healthy and thriving Anubias barteri plant requires attention to various aspects of care. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the optimal growth and longevity of your Anubias barteri in the aquarium:

Water Parameters to Maintain

Maintaining appropriate water parameters is essential for the health and vitality of Anubias barteri in your aquarium. Here are the key water parameters to consider:

  • Temperature: Anubias barteri thrives in tropical temperatures typically found in most aquariums. Aim to maintain a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C). Sudden and extreme temperature fluctuations should be avoided as they can stress the plant.

  • pH Level: Anubias barteri prefers slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. Regularly monitor the pH level using a reliable test kit and make adjustments if necessary.

  • Water Hardness: Anubias barteri can tolerate a wide range of water hardness, but it generally prefers slightly soft to moderately hard water. Aim for a range of 4 to 12 dGH (degrees of General Hardness).

  • Water Movement: Anubias barteri appreciates gentle water movement. While it can tolerate moderate water flow, avoid placing the plant directly in the path of strong currents. Positioning it near a gentle filter outflow or using a diffuser to disperse water movement can be beneficial.

  • Water Quality: Ensuring good water quality is crucial for the overall well-being of Anubias barteri. Regularly test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels and maintain them within acceptable ranges. Perform partial water changes (around 25% of the aquarium volume) regularly to remove accumulated toxins and replenish essential minerals.

Stability is key when it comes to water parameters. Sudden and drastic changes in temperature, pH, or water chemistry can stress the plant and negatively impact its growth. Monitor the water parameters regularly and make gradual adjustments if necessary to provide the optimal environment for your Anubias barteri.

Lighting Requirements and Schedule

Proper lighting is essential for the growth and well-being of Anubias barteri in your aquarium. Here are some guidelines to ensure the right lighting conditions for your plant:

  • Intensity: Anubias barteri is a low to moderate light-demanding plant. It thrives in moderate to low-intensity lighting. Avoid exposing it to intense, direct light, as this can lead to algae growth and cause stress to the plant.

  • Duration: Aim for a lighting duration of 8 to 10 hours per day. Providing a consistent photoperiod mimics natural daylight cycles and allows for a healthy balance between light and darkness. Using a timer can help automate the lighting schedule and maintain consistency.

  • Light Spectrum: Anubias barteri benefits from a full spectrum of light, including both blue and red wavelengths. LED lights designed specifically for aquarium plants often provide a suitable spectrum. Consider lights with a color temperature in the range of 6500K to 8000K, as this closely resembles natural daylight.

  • Light Placement: Position the light source above the aquarium in a way that ensures even coverage for the Anubias barteri plants. If using multiple lights, arrange them to avoid shadows and ensure uniform illumination. Adjust the height of the light fixture to prevent excessive heat and maintain an optimal light level.

  • Algae Control: While Anubias barteri is relatively resistant to algae, it’s essential to control excess light to prevent algae growth. Regularly clean the aquarium glass, remove any debris, and maintain a proper balance of nutrients and CO2 in the water. Additionally, avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight, as it can promote algae growth and cause harm to the plant.

By providing appropriate lighting conditions, you can promote healthy photosynthesis and growth in Anubias barteri. Remember to strike a balance between light intensity, duration, and spectrum to create an optimal environment for your plant’s well-being. Regularly monitor the plant’s response to the lighting and make adjustments as needed to ensure its continued health and vitality.

Nutrient Supplement Schedule and Dosages

While Anubias barteri is known for its ability to thrive in low-nutrient environments, providing some essential nutrients can support its growth and overall health. Here are some guidelines for nutrient supplementation:


Anubias barteri benefits from regular supplementation of macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are essential for promoting healthy leaf growth and overall plant development. You can use liquid fertilizers specifically formulated for aquarium plants or dry fertilizers that can be dosed directly into the aquarium.


  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the fertilizer packaging for recommended dosages.
  • Typically, a weekly or biweekly dosing schedule is sufficient.
  • Start with a lower dosage and observe the plant’s response.
  • Adjust the dosage accordingly based on the growth and health of the Anubias barteri.


Anubias barteri also benefits from the supplementation of micronutrients such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn). These micronutrients play a crucial role in chlorophyll production, enzyme activation, and overall plant metabolism.


  • Similar to macronutrients, liquid or dry fertilizers formulated for aquarium plants can provide the necessary micronutrients.
  • Follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Typically, micronutrient supplementation can be done along with macronutrient fertilization on a weekly or biweekly basis.

CO2 Supplementation

Anubias barteri can thrive in aquariums without additional CO2 supplementation, as it can obtain carbon dioxide from the water and naturally produce oxygen through photosynthesis. However, providing a moderate level of CO2 supplementation can enhance growth and vitality.


  • If you choose to supplement CO2, follow the instructions provided with your CO2 system or CO2 liquid supplement.
  • Begin with a low dosage and gradually increase it while monitoring the plant’s response.
  • It’s important to avoid excessive CO2 levels, as it can be harmful to both the plant and other aquatic inhabitants.

Regularly monitor the growth and health of Anubias barteri to assess the effectiveness of nutrient supplementation. Adjust the dosages or frequency of supplementation based on the plant’s needs and response. Remember that each aquarium setup is unique, so it may require some experimentation to find the optimal nutrient regimen for your Anubias barteri plants.

Weekly and Monthly Maintenance Tasks

Regular maintenance is crucial for the long-term health and vitality of Anubias barteri in your aquarium. Here are some important weekly and monthly tasks to keep your plants thriving:

Weekly Maintenance

  • Inspect and Trim: Take a close look at your Anubias barteri plants on a weekly basis. Remove any yellowing, damaged, or decaying leaves using clean and sharp aquarium scissors or pruning tools. This helps maintain the overall aesthetics of the plants and prevents the spread of any potential diseases or algae.

  • Remove Algae: Check for any algae growth on the leaves or surrounding surfaces. Gently remove algae using an algae scraper, brush, or clean cloth. Be cautious not to damage the plant’s delicate leaves while cleaning.

  • Water Changes: Perform weekly partial water changes of around 25% to 30% of the aquarium volume. This helps remove accumulated toxins, excess nutrients, and debris that can negatively impact plant health. Use a gravel vacuum to siphon out debris from the substrate.

  • Check Water Parameters: Regularly test and monitor important water parameters such as temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and water hardness. Adjust parameters if necessary to maintain a stable and healthy environment for your Anubias barteri.

Monthly Maintenance

  • Substrate Maintenance: Once a month, gently stir and fluff the substrate to prevent the formation of anaerobic pockets. This helps promote healthy root growth and prevents the accumulation of toxic gases.

  • Filter Maintenance: Clean or replace filter media as per the manufacturer’s instructions. This ensures efficient filtration, which is essential for maintaining water clarity and removing excess nutrients that can contribute to algae growth.

  • Prune and Propagate: If your Anubias barteri has grown excessively or requires reshaping, consider pruning it back. Trim away excess foliage while ensuring that the plant retains healthy leaves. This can be an opportunity to propagate the plant by separating rhizome sections and attaching them to new surfaces.

  • Inspect Equipment: Check the functioning of aquarium equipment such as heaters, filters, and lighting fixtures. Ensure they are working properly and make any necessary adjustments or replacements.

By incorporating these weekly and monthly maintenance tasks into your routine, you’ll be able to provide a clean and healthy environment for your Anubias barteri. Regular care and attention will contribute to the overall beauty and longevity of your aquatic plants.

Adjusting Care Routines in Different Seasons

Adapting your care routines for Anubias barteri based on seasonal changes is important to ensure optimal growth and health throughout the year. Here are some guidelines for adjusting care routines in different seasons:

Spring and Summer

  • Lighting and Photoperiod: With longer daylight hours during spring and summer, you may need to adjust the lighting schedule. Increase the duration of the light period to match the natural daylight cycle, allowing for approximately 10 to 12 hours of light. Adjust the intensity if necessary, considering factors such as increased ambient light or changes in sunlight exposure due to seasonal variations.

  • Temperature and Water Parameters: Warmer temperatures during spring and summer may affect the water temperature in your aquarium. Monitor and maintain the appropriate temperature range for Anubias barteri, ensuring it stays within the optimal range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C). Regularly check and adjust other water parameters, such as pH, hardness, and nutrient levels, to accommodate any changes caused by increased biological activity or water evaporation.

  • Nutrient Supplementation: Increased plant growth during the growing season may necessitate adjusting the dosage and frequency of nutrient supplementation. Monitor the health of your Anubias barteri closely and consider increasing the nutrient doses gradually if signs of nutrient deficiencies appear. Regularly test the water for nutrient levels to guide your supplementation routine.

Fall and Winter

  • Lighting and Photoperiod: As daylight hours shorten during fall and winter, adjust the lighting schedule to provide shorter photoperiods. Reduce the duration to around 8 to 10 hours to simulate the decrease in natural daylight. Monitor the light intensity to ensure it remains appropriate for your Anubias barteri plants.

  • Temperature and Water Parameters: Cooler temperatures during fall and winter may require adjustments to maintain the optimal temperature range for Anubias barteri. Consider using an aquarium heater or adjusting the room temperature to prevent temperature drops that can negatively impact the plants. Monitor and maintain stable water parameters, including pH, hardness, and nutrient levels, to support the health of your plants during this period.

  • Nutrient Supplementation: Adjust the nutrient supplementation routine according to the reduced plant growth and metabolic activity during fall and winter. Decrease the frequency or dosage of nutrient supplements accordingly. Regularly monitor the health and appearance of your Anubias barteri to determine if any adjustments are necessary.

Observe and assess the specific needs of your Anubias barteri throughout the seasons. Adapt your care routines accordingly to create a stable and suitable environment, allowing your plants to thrive despite the changing conditions.

Tips for Taking Care of Anubias Barteri in a Community Tank

Anubias barteri can coexist harmoniously in a community tank with various fish and other aquatic species. Below are some tips to ensure the well-being of Anubias barteri in a community tank setting.

By following these tips, you can ensure the well-being of Anubias barteri in a community tank. Providing a suitable environment and selecting compatible tank mates will allow your Anubias barteri to thrive and contribute to the beauty and balance of your aquatic ecosystem.

Compatible Tank Mates: Choose tank mates that are known to be peaceful and compatible with Anubias barteri. Avoid species that are known to be aggressive or prone to nibbling on plants. Good tank mates include peaceful community fish like tetras, rasboras, gouramis, and certain species of catfish.

Provide Adequate Space: Anubias barteri requires space to grow and spread its leaves without being overshadowed or crowded. Ensure that there is enough distance between plants and other tank decor to allow sufficient light and water flow. Proper spacing also prevents the risk of damage from fish that may inadvertently disturb the plant.

Protect the Rhizome: Anubias barteri’s rhizome should be shielded from damage by fish or other tank inhabitants. Avoid placing the plant in areas where it may be uprooted or nibbled on. Consider attaching the Anubias barteri to driftwood or rocks using fishing line or plant-safe glue to provide extra stability and protect the rhizome.

Avoid Burying the Crown: Ensure that the crown of the Anubias barteri plant remains above the substrate. Burying the crown can lead to rotting and hinder the plant’s growth. Take care when performing tank maintenance or rearranging decorations to avoid accidentally burying the crown.

Observe Fish Behavior: Monitor the behavior of your tank inhabitants regularly. Some species may show more interest in the plants than others. If you notice any fish showing excessive interest in the Anubias barteri, it may be necessary to rearrange the tank or provide additional hiding places to redirect their attention.

Prevent Damage from Digging Fish: If you have species of fish that are known for digging in the substrate, consider placing a barrier around the base of the Anubias barteri. You can use small rocks or a mesh barrier to protect the plant’s roots and prevent disturbance.

How to Trim Anubias Barteri

Trimming Anubias barteri is a straightforward process that helps maintain its shape and promote healthy growth. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to trim Anubias barteri:

  • Gather the necessary tools: You’ll need a pair of sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears. Make sure they are sanitized to prevent the spread of diseases.

  • Assess the plant: Take a close look at the Anubias barteri plant and identify any leaves or stems that are damaged, dying, or overgrown. These are the ones you’ll target for trimming.

  • Position yourself for precision: Get a clear view of the plant and position yourself at a comfortable angle that allows you to reach the leaves and stems you want to trim easily.

  • Cut close to the rhizome: Anubias barteri grows from a thick horizontal stem called a rhizome. To trim the plant, cut the unwanted leaves or stems as close to the rhizome as possible. This ensures a clean cut and helps the plant regenerate more effectively.

  • Remove excess leaves and stems: Trim all the damaged, dying, or overgrown leaves and stems, maintaining the desired shape and aesthetics of the plant. Be mindful not to remove too many healthy leaves, as they play a vital role in the plant’s photosynthesis.

  • Dispose of the trimmed parts: Remove the trimmed leaves and stems from the aquarium or planted tank. Leaving them in the water can cause water quality issues.

  • Monitor and maintain: After trimming, monitor the plant’s growth and adjust as needed. Anubias barteri is a slow-growing plant, so it may take some time to see new growth. Ensure the plant receives appropriate lighting, nutrient levels, and water parameters to support its growth.

It’s important to note that Anubias barteri is a hardy plant, and excessive trimming is generally not required. Trimming should primarily focus on removing damaged or overgrown parts to maintain the plant’s health and appearance. Also, avoid burying the rhizome in the substrate, as it can lead to rot. Instead, attach the rhizome to rocks or driftwood using fishing line or plant-safe glue.

Tips for Anubias Barteri Propagation

Propagating Anubias barteri is an exciting way to expand your plant collection or share healthy specimens with fellow aquarium enthusiasts. Here are some tips to successfully propagate Anubias barteri:

  • Identify Suitable Rhizome Sections: Look for healthy and robust sections of the rhizome that have multiple leaves attached. The rhizome is the thick, horizontal stem from which the leaves and roots grow. Choose sections that have at least three to four leaves to ensure successful propagation.

  • Prepare New Planting Surfaces: Select appropriate surfaces to attach the new Anubias barteri rhizome sections. This can include rocks, driftwood, or other aquarium decorations. Clean the surfaces and remove any algae or debris to provide a clean attachment point.

  • Attach the Rhizome: Use fishing line or plant-safe glue to secure the selected rhizome sections onto the new planting surfaces. Wrap the fishing line around the rhizome and the chosen surface, or apply a small amount of glue to hold it in place. Take care not to damage the rhizome or leaves during the process.

  • Positioning and Water Conditions: Place the newly attached rhizome sections in the aquarium in a location with appropriate lighting and water flow. Ensure that the rhizome is not buried in the substrate but rather attached to the surface or partially submerged. Anubias barteri can also be grown epiphytically, meaning it can be attached to surfaces without being planted in the substrate.

  • Patience and Growth: Anubias barteri is a slow-growing plant, so be patient with the propagation process. Over time, new roots will develop from the attached rhizome sections, securing them to the planting surface. As the plant grows, it will produce new leaves, gradually expanding the Anubias barteri population in your aquarium.

  • Pruning and Maintenance: Regularly trim any unhealthy or decaying leaves from the propagated sections to promote healthy growth. Be careful not to damage the new growth or disturb the attachment to the planting surface. Maintain proper water conditions, lighting, and nutrient supplementation to support the growth of the propagated Anubias barteri.

Remember that propagation can be a gradual process, and not all rhizome sections may successfully take root. With proper care, patience, and attention to detail, you can enjoy the rewarding experience of propagating Anubias barteri and watch your aquatic plant collection flourish. For a more in-depth guide, read our how to propagate Anubias Barteri article.

Common Signs of Unhealthy Anubias Barteri

Anubias barteri is a hardy plant, but it can still display signs of distress or poor health. Recognizing these signs early allows you to take corrective measures and restore the plant’s well-being. Here are some common signs of an unhealthy Anubias barteri:

  • Yellowing or Browning Leaves: Discoloration of the leaves is often an indication of a problem. If the leaves of your Anubias barteri start turning yellow or brown, it can be a sign of nutrient deficiency, inadequate lighting, or poor water quality. Check the water parameters, nutrient levels, and lighting conditions to identify and address the underlying issue.

  • Wilting or Drooping Leaves: Anubias barteri typically has firm, upright leaves. If you notice wilting or drooping leaves, it may indicate a problem with water quality, insufficient nutrients, or excessive light intensity. Assess the water parameters, nutrient supplementation, and lighting levels to determine the cause and take appropriate action.

  • Stunted Growth: Anubias barteri is a slow-growing plant, but if you observe a lack of new leaf development or stunted growth for an extended period, it may signal suboptimal conditions. Insufficient lighting, inadequate nutrient availability, or low carbon dioxide (CO2) levels can contribute to stunted growth. Review and adjust the lighting, nutrient supplementation, and CO2 levels if necessary.

  • Decaying or Rotting Rhizome: The rhizome of Anubias barteri should be firm and healthy. If you notice softening, decay, or a foul odor emanating from the rhizome, it may be a sign of rhizome rot. Rhizome rot can be caused by burying the rhizome too deep in the substrate, poor water circulation, or bacterial/fungal infections. Remove affected portions of the rhizome promptly, improve water circulation, and maintain proper planting depth to prevent further damage.

  • Algae Overgrowth: Anubias barteri is generally resistant to algae, but if you notice excessive algae growth covering the leaves or rhizome, it can hinder the plant’s health. Algae growth can be a result of imbalanced lighting, excessive nutrient levels, or poor water quality. Assess and adjust the lighting duration and intensity, nutrient supplementation, and perform regular water changes to control algae growth.

  • Munching or Nibbling Damage: If you observe fish or other tank inhabitants consistently nibbling or damaging the leaves of Anubias barteri, it can lead to significant harm and hinder the plant’s growth. Assess the tank inhabitants and their compatibility with the plant. Consider repositioning or protecting the Anubias barteri from nibbling species using barriers or rehoming aggressive tank mates.

Closely monitoring your Anubias barteri plants and promptly addressing any signs of distress or poor health will help maintain their vitality. By providing the appropriate lighting, nutrient supplementation, and water conditions, you can ensure the long-term health and beauty of your Anubias barteri specimens.

Implementing Solutions to Common Problems

When faced with common problems affecting Anubias barteri, implementing appropriate solutions can help restore the plant’s health and vitality. Here are some strategies to address the identified issues:

Yellowing or Browning Leaves

  • Check and adjust water parameters, ensuring they are within the appropriate range for Anubias barteri.
  • Evaluate the lighting conditions and provide adequate intensity and duration.
  • Test nutrient levels and consider adjusting the nutrient supplementation accordingly.
  • Perform regular water changes to maintain good water quality.

Wilting or Drooping Leaves

  • Verify water parameters, especially temperature and pH, to ensure they are suitable for the plant.
  • Assess lighting levels and adjust if needed, avoiding excessive light intensity.
  • Review nutrient supplementation and ensure the plant is receiving essential macro and micronutrients.
  • Check water circulation and adjust as necessary to provide adequate flow around the plant.

Stunted Growth

  • Evaluate the lighting conditions and increase the intensity or duration if it is below the plant’s requirements.
  • Adjust nutrient supplementation and consider enhancing fertilization to provide sufficient nutrients.
  • Check carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and supplement if necessary, especially in setups with higher lighting.

Decaying or Rotting Rhizome

  • If the rhizome is rotting, remove the affected portions promptly and ensure the remaining healthy sections are above the substrate.
  • Improve water circulation in the tank to prevent stagnant areas and promote oxygenation around the rhizome.
  • Avoid burying the rhizome too deep and maintain proper planting depth to prevent rotting.

Algae Overgrowth

  • Review lighting conditions and adjust the duration or intensity to limit excessive light exposure.
  • Evaluate nutrient levels and modify fertilization to maintain a proper balance.
  • Perform regular water changes to control nutrient buildup and maintain good water quality.
  • Consider adding algae-eating species, such as certain types of snails or algae-eating fish, to help control algae growth.

Munching or Nibbling Damage

  • Evaluate tank inhabitants and consider rehoming aggressive or plant-damaging species.
  • Create physical barriers around Anubias barteri to protect it from nibbling fish or other tank mates.
  • Provide additional hiding places or vegetation to redirect the attention of fish away from the plant.

Implementing these solutions, while closely monitoring the plant’s response, can help resolve common issues and restore the health of your Anubias barteri. Be patient and adjust the strategies as needed to provide the best possible care for your plants.

How to Prevent Common Problems Before They Happen

Taking proactive steps to prevent common problems can significantly contribute to the long-term health and well-being of Anubias barteri in your aquarium. Here are some preventive measures you can implement:

  • Research and Select Compatible Tank Mates: Before introducing any fish or other tank inhabitants, research their compatibility with Anubias barteri. Choose peaceful species that are less likely to damage or disturb the plants. Avoid species known for aggressive behavior or excessive nibbling tendencies.

  • Maintain Proper Water Parameters: Regularly monitor and maintain appropriate water parameters, including temperature, pH, hardness, and nutrient levels. Ensure they align with the recommended ranges for Anubias barteri. Fluctuations in water parameters can stress the plant and make it more susceptible to various issues.

  • Provide Optimal Lighting: Set up suitable lighting conditions for Anubias barteri right from the start. Consider the plant’s light requirements and install lighting fixtures that provide the appropriate intensity and spectrum. Avoid excessive light exposure, which can promote algae growth, and maintain a consistent lighting schedule.

  • Establish a Balanced Nutrient Routine: Implement a consistent nutrient supplementation regimen, focusing on providing the necessary macro and micronutrients. Regularly test the water for nutrient levels and adjust the supplementation accordingly. Be cautious not to exceed recommended doses, as excessive nutrients can lead to algae problems.

  • Maintain Good Water Circulation: Ensure proper water circulation in the aquarium to prevent stagnant areas and promote oxygenation. Use an appropriately sized filter and position it to facilitate adequate flow around the Anubias barteri plants. This helps prevent the accumulation of debris, enhances nutrient distribution, and discourages the growth of algae.

  • Practice Regular Tank Maintenance: Establish a routine for regular tank maintenance, including partial water changes, substrate cleaning, and filter maintenance. This helps maintain good water quality, remove excess nutrients, and prevent the buildup of debris that can negatively impact the plants.

  • Avoid Overstocking: Be mindful of the number of fish and other inhabitants in your aquarium. Overstocking can lead to increased waste production and nutrient levels, potentially causing water quality issues and stress for Anubias barteri. Follow appropriate stocking guidelines to maintain a healthy balance in your tank.

  • Quarantine New Additions: Quarantine any new fish or plants before introducing them to the main tank. This helps prevent the spread of potential diseases or pests that can harm the Anubias barteri and other tank inhabitants.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can minimize the occurrence of common problems and create a favorable environment for the long-term success of your Anubias barteri. Regular observation, care, and adjustment of these measures will contribute to the overall health and vibrancy of your aquarium ecosystem.

When to Seek Professional Help

While many issues with Anubias barteri can be resolved through attentive care and proactive measures, there may be situations where seeking professional help becomes necessary. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to involve a professional:

  • Persistent or Unexplained Decline: If your Anubias barteri continues to exhibit signs of decline, despite your best efforts and adjustments, it may be time to consult a professional. This could include ongoing yellowing or browning leaves, stunted growth, or recurring issues that cannot be resolved through routine care.

  • Sudden and Severe Plant Damage: If your Anubias barteri experiences sudden and severe damage, such as extensive leaf loss, rotting rhizome, or significant wilting, it’s essential to seek professional guidance promptly. Immediate intervention may be required to salvage the plant or prevent further damage to other tank inhabitants.

  • Unidentified Plant Disease or Pest Infestation: If you suspect that your Anubias barteri is affected by a disease or infestation, but you are unable to identify the specific cause or find suitable treatment options, consulting a professional is recommended. They can accurately diagnose the issue and provide targeted treatment recommendations.

  • Chronic Algae Problems: If your aquarium consistently experiences persistent and severe algae outbreaks that negatively impact the health of your Anubias barteri and other aquatic life, professional assistance can help identify the underlying causes and provide effective strategies for algae control.

  • Complex Aquascape Design or Advanced Care Techniques: If you are undertaking a complex aquascape design or implementing advanced care techniques, such as high-tech CO2 supplementation or specialized lighting setups, seeking professional advice can be beneficial. They can provide expert guidance tailored to your specific goals and help optimize the conditions for Anubias barteri.

  • Inability to Resolve Water Quality Issues: If you constantly struggle with maintaining proper water quality despite your best efforts, consulting a professional can help pinpoint the underlying causes and provide solutions. They can analyze water test results, assess your aquarium setup, and recommend appropriate adjustments or treatments.

  • Limited Plant Growth or Reproduction: If your Anubias barteri fails to grow or reproduce over an extended period, or if attempts at propagation consistently fail, a professional can provide guidance on identifying potential limiting factors and offer insights into successful growth and propagation techniques.

When seeking professional help, reach out to experienced aquatic professionals, such as aquarists, biologists, or specialized aquarium maintenance services. They have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose complex issues, recommend appropriate treatments, and guide you in optimizing the care of your Anubias barteri and your overall aquarium ecosystem.

Dealing with Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can pose a threat to the health and well-being of Anubias barteri in your aquarium. Here are some guidelines for identifying, treating, and preventing common pests and diseases:

Common Pests: Identification and Control

While Anubias barteri is generally resistant to pests, infestations can still occur in aquariums. Here are some common pests that can affect Anubias barteri and methods for their identification and control:

  • Snails: Snails are often introduced into the aquarium unintentionally and can multiply rapidly. They feed on the leaves of Anubias barteri, causing holes or chewed edges. Snails can be identified by their visible shells and slimy trails on the leaves. To control snail populations, manually remove them from the tank or consider introducing snail-eating fish species or snail traps.

  • Algae: Algae can overgrow and suffocate Anubias barteri, depriving it of light and nutrients. Algae appear as green, brown, or black patches or fuzz on the leaves. To control algae growth, maintain a proper balance of light, nutrients, and water quality. Regular cleaning and algae removal, along with the introduction of algae-eating species, can help keep algae under control.

  • Fungal Infections: Fungal infections can occur if Anubias barteri is stressed, wounded, or exposed to poor water conditions. Signs of fungal infections include white, fuzzy growth or cotton-like patches on the leaves or rhizome. To control fungal infections, improve water quality, address any underlying stress factors, and consider using antifungal treatments specifically designed for aquarium use.

  • Bacterial Infections: Bacterial infections can lead to rotting of the rhizome, yellowing or browning of leaves, and overall decline in the plant’s health. Signs include softening or disintegration of the rhizome, foul odor, and rapid deterioration of the plant. To control bacterial infections, maintain good water quality, remove affected plant parts, and use antibiotics or antimicrobial treatments as recommended by professionals.

  • Fish and Invertebrates: Some fish and invertebrates may nibble on Anubias barteri leaves, causing damage or hindering growth. This is more of a behavioral issue rather than a pest infestation. Consider repositioning the plant, providing hiding spots, or choosing compatible tank mates to minimize nibbling damage.

Common Diseases: Identification and Treatment

While Anubias barteri is generally resilient, it can still be susceptible to certain diseases. Prompt identification and treatment of these diseases are essential to maintaining the health of your plants. Here are some common diseases that can affect Anubias barteri and their respective identification and treatment methods:

Rhizome Rot (Bacterial and Fungal)

  • Identification: Rhizome rot is characterized by a soft, decaying rhizome that may emit a foul odor. The rotting area often appears discolored, slimy, or mushy.

  • Treatment: Remove the affected parts of the rhizome immediately using clean, sharp scissors. Improve water circulation and maintain good water quality. If the rot persists, consider using an antifungal or antibiotic treatment specifically formulated for aquarium use.

Black Beard Algae (BBA)

  • Identification: Black Beard Algae appear as dark tufts or patches with a bristly texture. They can attach themselves to the leaves, rhizome, or other surfaces in the aquarium.

  • Treatment: Physically remove affected leaves or trim heavily infested areas. Improve water circulation, maintain optimal nutrient balance, and consider introducing algae-eating species like Amano shrimp or Siamese algae eaters. Adjust lighting intensity and duration to prevent excessive light exposure.

Bacterial Infections

  • Identification: Bacterial infections can cause wilting, yellowing, or browning of leaves, rotting of rhizome, and a decline in overall plant health. Infected areas may show signs of decay, sliminess, or foul odor.

  • Treatment: Remove infected portions of the plant using sterile tools. Improve water quality, maintain proper water parameters, and consider using an antibacterial treatment or antibiotics as recommended by professionals.

Leaf Spot (Fungal)

  • Identification: Leaf spot appears as small, dark, or discolored spots on the leaves. Over time, these spots may expand and develop a concentric pattern. Leaves may also show signs of wilting or yellowing.

  • Treatment: Remove affected leaves and improve air circulation around the plant. Avoid overhead watering and provide good drainage. Consider using a fungicide formulated for aquarium use, following the instructions provided.

Viral Infections

  • Identification: Viral infections can be challenging to diagnose visually. However, they may manifest as distorted or stunted growth, yellowing or mottling of leaves, and overall poor plant health. Viral infections are less common in aquariums compared to other diseases.

  • Treatment: There are no specific treatments for viral infections. Focus on maintaining optimal growing conditions, providing proper nutrition, and minimizing stress factors to support the plant’s immune system.

Preventive Measures for Disease Prevention

Taking preventive measures is crucial to maintaining the health and preventing diseases in Anubias barteri. By implementing these measures, you can create a favorable environment that minimizes the risk of disease outbreaks. Here are some preventive measures to consider:

  • Quarantine New Additions: Quarantine any new plants, fish, or other aquarium inhabitants before introducing them to the main tank. This helps prevent the introduction of potential pathogens or pests that can harm your Anubias barteri and other tank inhabitants.

  • Maintain Good Water Quality: Regularly test and maintain optimal water quality parameters, including temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and water hardness. Ensure proper filtration and perform regular water changes to remove toxins and maintain a healthy environment for your plants.

  • Provide Proper Lighting: Ensure your Anubias barteri receives adequate lighting but avoid excessive light intensity or duration. Optimal lighting helps promote healthy growth while reducing the risk of algae overgrowth, which can contribute to stress and disease.

  • Avoid Drastic Temperature Changes: Sudden temperature fluctuations can stress plants and make them more susceptible to diseases. Maintain stable water temperatures within the appropriate range for Anubias barteri and avoid rapid temperature changes.

  • Practice Proper Hygiene: Maintain good aquarium hygiene by regularly cleaning and maintaining equipment, including filters and heaters. Avoid cross-contamination between tanks and prevent the transfer of potential pathogens through shared tools or accessories.

  • Monitor and Control Nutrient Levels: Keep a balanced approach to nutrient supplementation, avoiding excessive nutrient levels that can promote algae growth. Regularly test water parameters, adjust fertilization accordingly, and maintain a proper nutrient balance to support plant health.

  • Avoid Overcrowding: Overcrowding can lead to increased stress and competition among tank inhabitants, making them more vulnerable to diseases. Follow appropriate stocking guidelines to maintain a healthy balance in your tank and prevent overcrowding.

  • Observe and Isolate Sick Plants: Regularly inspect your Anubias barteri for signs of diseases or pests. If you notice any sick or infected plants, promptly isolate them to prevent the spread of diseases to other healthy plants. Treat or remove affected plants as necessary.

  • Maintain Stress-Free Conditions: Minimize stress factors for your Anubias barteri, as stress weakens their immune system and makes them more susceptible to diseases. Provide stable water conditions, avoid sudden changes, and minimize disturbances or disruptions in the tank.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of diseases and maintain the overall health and vigor of your Anubias barteri. Regular observation, care, and prompt action when needed will help ensure the long-term success of your aquarium plants.

Common Mistakes in Anubias Barteri Care

Avoiding common mistakes in Anubias barteri care can help ensure the plant’s health and longevity. Here are some common mistakes to be aware of and how to avoid them:

  • Planting Too Deep: Planting the Anubias barteri too deep in the substrate can lead to rhizome rot. The rhizome should be positioned above the substrate, as burying it can cause decay and hinder the plant’s growth. Attach the plant to rocks, driftwood, or other surfaces instead of burying it.

  • Excessive Lighting: Anubias barteri thrives in low to moderate light conditions. Excessive lighting can lead to algae overgrowth, especially if nutrient levels are not properly balanced. Avoid intense lighting that exceeds the plant’s requirements, and monitor the lighting duration to prevent algae issues.

  • Overfertilization: Anubias barteri is not a heavy feeder and can be sensitive to excessive fertilization. Overdosing on nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, can lead to algae problems and harm the plant. Follow the recommended dosages and schedules provided by the manufacturer, and adjust as needed based on the plant’s response.

  • Neglecting Water Quality: Poor water quality can negatively impact Anubias barteri. Neglecting regular water changes, inadequate filtration, and imbalanced water parameters can stress the plant and make it more susceptible to diseases and algae. Maintain proper filtration, perform regular water changes, and monitor and adjust water parameters to ensure a healthy aquatic environment.

  • Ignoring Tank Mates Compatibility: Introducing aggressive or plant-damaging fish or invertebrates into the aquarium can result in nibbling or damage to Anubias barteri. Research and select compatible tank mates that are known to be peaceful and less likely to harm the plants. Provide hiding spots or barriers if necessary to protect the plant from potential damage.

  • Improper Pruning Techniques: Improper pruning techniques can harm Anubias barteri. Avoid cutting or damaging the rhizome while trimming leaves. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning tools, and trim only the necessary parts, such as yellowing or damaged leaves. Take care not to remove too many leaves at once, as it can impact the plant’s ability to photosynthesize.

  • Lack of Patience: Anubias barteri is a slow-growing plant, and expecting rapid growth can lead to frustration. Avoid unnecessary interventions or excessive adjustments when the plant appears to be growing slowly. Provide consistent care, maintain suitable conditions, and allow the plant time to acclimate and grow at its natural pace.

By avoiding these common mistakes and providing proper care and attention to Anubias barteri, you can help ensure its health and enhance its beauty in your aquarium. Stay informed, be patient, and make adjustments as needed based on the specific requirements of this versatile aquatic plant.

How to Revive a Dying Anubias Barteri

Reviving a dying Anubias barteri requires immediate action and careful attention to its specific needs. Although it may be challenging to bring back a severely damaged or dying plant, here are some steps you can take to try to revive it:

  • Assess the Plant’s Condition: Carefully examine the plant and identify the extent of damage or deterioration. Look for any signs of rot, disease, or pest infestation. Note the condition of the leaves, rhizome, and roots to determine the best course of action.

  • Address the Underlying Cause: Identify and address the underlying cause of the plant’s decline. This could include issues such as poor water quality, inadequate lighting, nutrient deficiencies, or inappropriate water parameters. Correcting the underlying cause is essential for reviving the plant.

  • Trim Affected Parts: If you notice any rotting or heavily damaged portions, trim them off using clean and sterilized tools. Cut back to healthy tissue, ensuring you don’t damage the remaining healthy parts of the plant.

  • Improve Water Quality: Ensure optimal water quality parameters, including temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and water hardness. Perform necessary water changes and address any imbalances or toxicity that may have contributed to the plant’s decline.

  • Adjust Lighting and Nutrients: Evaluate the lighting conditions and ensure they meet the plant’s requirements. Adjust the lighting intensity and duration accordingly. Assess nutrient levels and consider appropriate supplementation to provide essential macro and micronutrients.

  • Optimize Plant Placement: Position the plant in an appropriate location in the aquarium. Ensure it receives adequate light without being overshadowed by other plants or decorations. Avoid burying the rhizome and provide proper water flow around the plant to promote oxygenation and nutrient distribution.

  • Monitor and Maintain Care: Continuously monitor the plant’s progress and make necessary adjustments as needed. Observe for signs of improvement or deterioration. Provide regular care, including proper water maintenance, fertilization, and pruning as necessary.

  • Patience and Time: Reviving a dying Anubias barteri requires patience. It may take time for the plant to recover and show signs of improvement. Be consistent in your care routine, and allow the plant to gradually regain its strength and vitality.

Despite your best efforts, it’s important to acknowledge that not all plants can be revived. If the plant’s condition continues to deteriorate or shows no signs of improvement despite your interventions, it may be necessary to consider replacing it with a healthy specimen.

Remember that prevention is always better than trying to revive a dying plant. By providing optimal care, maintaining good water quality, and addressing issues promptly, you can help prevent your Anubias barteri from reaching a critical state in the first place.


Anubias barteri is a popular and resilient aquatic plant that can add beauty and vibrancy to your aquarium. By following proper care guidelines and implementing preventive measures, you can ensure the health and longevity of your Anubias barteri specimens.

This care guide has provided you with valuable information on various aspects of Anubias barteri care, including planting, maintenance, water parameters, lighting requirements, nutrient supplementation, propagation, common signs of unhealthy plants, troubleshooting common problems, dealing with pests and diseases, and dispelling misconceptions.

Remember to regularly monitor your plants, address any issues promptly, and adjust care routines as needed. By providing an optimal environment and attentive care, you can create a thriving aquatic ecosystem that showcases the beauty of Anubias barteri.

By incorporating the suggested keywords throughout your article, you can enhance its SEO performance and make it more accessible to readers searching for Anubias barteri care information.

If you encounter challenges or need specific guidance, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from experienced aquarists or aquarium professionals. They can provide personalized advice and assistance based on your unique circumstances.

With the right knowledge and care, you can enjoy the lush green foliage and remarkable resilience of Anubias barteri in your aquarium for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Anubias Barteri survive outside the water?

No, Anubias barteri is an aquatic plant that is not designed to survive outside of water for extended periods. While it can tolerate brief periods of immersion, such as during water changes or aquarium maintenance, keeping Anubias barteri out of water for an extended time can lead to its deterioration and eventual death.

2. Is it okay to cut Anubias roots?

It is generally not recommended to cut Anubias roots unless they are damaged or diseased. Anubias roots play a crucial role in anchoring the plant and absorbing nutrients. Cutting healthy roots can stress the plant and potentially hinder its ability to take up nutrients. However, if you need to remove damaged or rotting roots, it is advisable to trim them carefully using clean and sterilized tools.

3. Why is my Anubias melting?

Anubias melting, also known as crypt melt, is a phenomenon where the plant’s leaves turn brown, decay, and eventually disintegrate. It is often caused by a transition shock when the plant is moved or when there are significant changes in its environment. Possible reasons for Anubias melting include changes in lighting, water parameters, or planting depth. In most cases, the plant will recover by producing new leaves as long as the rhizome remains healthy. Maintain stable conditions, provide proper lighting and nutrients, and avoid drastic changes to help minimize the risk of melting.

4. Can Anubias Barteri grow in low light conditions?

Yes, Anubias barteri is known for its adaptability and can thrive in low light conditions. It is considered a low to moderate light plant, meaning it can survive and grow even with limited light intensity. In fact, Anubias barteri is often recommended for aquariums with low lighting or as an ideal choice for beginners. Anubias barteri has broad, dark green leaves that allow it to efficiently capture available light. It can tolerate lower light levels and still carry out photosynthesis to meet its energy needs. This adaptability makes Anubias barteri a versatile choice for various aquarium setups, including those with minimal lighting or when placed in shaded areas of the tank.

5. Does Anubias Barteri require CO2 supplementation?

Yes, Anubias barteri is a plant that can thrive without the need for additional carbon dioxide (CO2) supplementation. It is considered a low-tech plant, meaning it can grow well under normal atmospheric CO2 levels found in most aquariums. Anubias barteri is known for its ability to adapt to various conditions, including low light and limited CO2 availability. It can utilize the naturally dissolved CO2 in the water and perform photosynthesis effectively.

Photo of author

Written By Carolyn Renner

Carolyn Renner is a planted aquarium enthusiast with personal experience in maintaining a variety of tanks. She has experimented with different plants, substrates, lighting, and fertilizers and knows how to troubleshoot common issues.

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